Weird when I look at all the activity in the Watchung Reservation Running Club Meetup group. I originally started that club as a way to meet more runners in the area. I had thoughts that I would become this running old-timer and eventually have a sense of ownership over something local. It didn’t pan out.
While I’m happy that it has continued (and seems to be thriving) it feels weird to see this thing I birthed out there running around… and I have nothing to do with it.
In 2016, I want to find a way to reintroduce running into my life. Over the last few years, it was my salvation. When all else could be going wrong, a long hard run would push it all away. When things were tough, I would remind myself that it was not as hard as running. It never hurt as much as that. I could withstand anything the world threw at me because I knew what is was like to really suffer intentionally, willingly, happily.
I dropped running from my life cold turkey. At the same time, I introduced a bunch of big, hard changes. So my stresses developed and, left unchecked, ballooned into something unmanageable. Now I’m suffering the repercussions of all of this. Stresses to a point that feel unsustainable. Sleep issues. Health concerns. And a general mood that borders on unpleasant, just ask my kids.
In 2016, how do I get back to it.